(As a disclaimer, these statistics are presented for educational purposes only, have not been independently verified, and were primarily compiled through articles on Ponzitracker and reporting on the internet by various sources including Kathy Phelps' monthly Ponzi roundups at ThePonziSchemeBlog.com. Individuals accused of Ponzi schemes are presumed innocent until proven guilty. These statistics generally only included Ponzi schemes of $1 million or more based in the United States. Please direct any comments or inquiries to inquiries@ponzitracker.com.)

2019 Ponzi Schemes

Marking an abrupt reversal to a multi-year downward trend, 60 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in 2019 - a 30% surge from the 2018 figures that included the highest total amount of investor funds at issue in nearly ten years. According to Ponzitracker’s research, 60 Ponzi schemes were allegedly uncovered in 2019 that involved a collective $3.245 billion in investor funds. The statistics mark an abrupt reversal to a multi-year downward trend that in 2018 saw the lowest number of alleged Ponzi scheme discoveries in ten years. In addition, the surge in alleged schemes - the largest percentage increase since 2009 - also comes on the heels of a blockbuster year for financial markets in 2019. While it remains to be seen whether the reversal is an anomaly or cause for concern, all of the data points suggest that 2019 was a banner year for Ponzi scheme discoveries and enforcement.

A total of 43 individuals were sentenced in 2019 for their involvement in Ponzi schemes, a negligible decline from the 45 sentences handed down in 2018 and likely representative of the decline in Ponzi scheme discoveries the past several years. The 43 sentences handed down in 2019 collectively totaled nearly 500 years in prison, with a median sentence of 96 months and an average sentence of 132 months. Edward Fujinaga’s 50-year term handed down in May 2019 for operating the $1.5 billion MRI Ponzi scheme was the largest sentence imposed in 2019. 

A full database of uncovered Ponzi schemes and prison sentences for 2019 is below:

2019 Ponzi Scheme Sentences